NEPAL Hima Trade Link, the sole authorised distributor of Sony home appliances in Nepal, has launched the Xperia L and Xperia SP smartphones. “Encouraged by the good market response for the Xperia smartphones which we rolled out a month ago, we have come up with the new variants,” said Subash Shrestha, corporate manager. The new smartphones come in black and white colours. According to the company, both the smartphones have 8 mega pixel fast-capture cameras with Exmor RS that helps to take sharp and clear pictures in any light intensity. Besides, the cell phones allow users to shoot pictures even in locked screen mode. Both the mobile sets run on the latest Android 4.1 Jelly Bean OS. The Xperia SP features Reality Display which is powered by Mobile BRAVIA Engine 2. According to the company, the system assures top notch picture quality. “With a 4.3-in display in the Xperia L and a 4.6-in display in the Xperia SP, users can get clearer and wider pictures,” said the company in a statement. The mobile phones are equipped with dual-core processor to ensure high quality performance. They also feature high resolution picture quality display. They support HDMI system. The Sony Xperia L and the Xperia SP are priced at Rs 29,999 and Rs 41,999 respectively.
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