Sunday, August 11, 2013

DoFTQC to compensate people for service delays

The Department of Food Technology and Quality Control on Sunday issued a citizen charter, promising service-seekers due compensation if it failed to serve them within the stipulated timeframe. The department will provide compensation ranging from Rs 250 to Rs 1,000 to service-seekers if they are not served within the stipulated time. Speaking at a program here on Sunday, Krishna Hari Baskota, secretary at the Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers, said the department has announced compensation for 14 different services to be provided by it. He said the compensation has been announced in order to make public administration people-oriented, effective, efficient and accountable. The department has said it will provide information on queries regarding the quality of food, import and export of livestock and small plants, and publications within a day. Similarly, it will issue recommendations needed to set up food industry and for import and export of food items within three days. Similarly, the department has said it will provide services related to food technology and nutrition within five days. Likewise, the department will complete works related to analytical reports of sample of food products within 10 days and renewal of license of food industries within 20 days. “We are hopeful that the department will provide the specified services to people before the deadline that it has set,” Baskota said in the program. Meanwhile, the government has announced to set up a separate compensation fund in order to facilitate the public.

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